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How to send and receive payments

Explore how to send and receive payments, both online and in-branch. This page covers everything you need to know about managing your transactions effectively.

Sending payments

When sending payments you have several options, please see them below:

British pound sterling (GBP), Euro (EUR) & Danish Kroner (DKK)
  • Electronic Payments/SWIFT instructed via Netbank. Payment fees apply. Please refer to our Payment Fees
  • TNB to TNB accounts instructed via Netbank. Free of charge
  • Electronic Payments/SWIFT manually processed.
    Payment fees apply. Please refer to our Payment Fees. To instruct a manual payment, please complete our Payments Template Form found under ‘Useful Information’

Correspondent bank charges on outgoing EUR payments

Our correspondent bank is charging an additional EUR 15 for outgoing payments in EUR. This charge applies to countries NOT listed below:

Preferred Countries

Spain, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, Lithuania, France, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Malta, Cyprus, UK, Gibraltar.

This results in the recipient receiving EUR 15 less than the original sent amount, when sending payments to countries NOT in the 'Preferred Countries' list above. Please consider this additional charge when submitting payments if you wish for the beneficiary to receive a particular amount.

All other currencies

Payments to another TNB account
Please use the recipients’ TNB IBAN, which contains the letters TNOV to send funds from
your account to another TNB account.

Payments to non TNB accounts
When sending a payment to non TNB accounts, please enter the recipients’ address in the
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BANK field found at the bottom of the payment screen.
Please note that your payments will incur plus 1 day’s value.

Receiving payments 

When you wish to receive funds into your account, please follow the instructions below:

British pound sterling (GBP)

TNB UK SORT CODE: 40-51-78

Account name (full account name/s – avoid using abbreviations or initials)

Account number (8 characters UK format)

If your TNB account number is e.g. 1234567 0001 GBP then the UK format of this is 12345671

Outside the UK/Gibraltar


Account name (full account name/s – avoid using abbreviations or initials)

Account IBAN – this can be found on your Bank statement

Euro (EUR) and Danish Kroner (DKK)

SWIFT/BIC code: TNOVGIGI – Bank Name: Trusted Novus Bank

Account name (full account name/s – avoid using abbreviations or initials)

Account IBAN – this can be found on your Bank statement

All other currencies

Payments from non TNB accounts
Please provide the following details to the sender of your payment:
Account Name (Your existing account name)
IBAN – Your Currency Cloud IBAN number which the Bank will provide
Bank Name – The Currency Cloud Limited
Bank Address – 12 Steward Street. The Steward Building, London, E1 6FQ, GB

The Currency Cloud Ltd, owned by Visa, is a payment and FX solutions provider. In the UK, they
are regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority as an Electronic Money Institution.

Payments from another TNB account
Please provide your current TNB IBAN, which contains the letters TNOV to the sender of
your payment

Useful information

Payment Fees

For more information on the fees associated with our payments please see our prices and interest rate page.

Cut off time

GBP, EUR and DKK – Same day value – Cut-Off time 2pm C.E.T

All other currencies – Value date plus 1 day – Cut-Off time 2pm C.E.T.

Payment instructions received after 2pm C.E.T will be processed the following working day.

Correspondent Bank Charges

Payments are routed around the world by different banks, and only rarely is one bank involved from start to finish for a particular transaction.

The Correspondent Banks apply charges for their services which may be deducted from the original amount before TNB receives the payment. TNB has no control or visibility over which route these payments take or the charges that are deducted.

If an IBAN/ BIC is not provided, it may result in additional fees charged by other banks or even have the instruction rejected by them.

All payments sent to a beneficiary account within the European Economic Area must be sent as ‘shared’.

Manual Payments

To request a manual payment please click the button below to download an application form: