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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Here at Trusted Novus Bank (TNB) our ESG steering group have been working hard in the journey to become the ‘Green Bank of Choice!’ Looking to lead by example, ESG is a key focal area within our 2023 strategy and beyond, where we believe a strong and ambitious focus on ESG will create sustainable values in the long term, for our customers, employees, and local community.

Our recent focus has been on learning about and encouraging recycling. Although the Bank has always recycled, we wanted to improve on this and become more knowledgeable about the exact material which can and cannot be recycled, as well as educating employees on the time it takes for different elements to decompose.

Last month the bank participated in The Nautilus Project’s Blue Week where we encouraged employees to reduce their single use of plastic. We also showed out support for World Ocean Day by coming to o work wearing blue. Each employee gave to the cause and a sum of £352 was donated to The Nautilus Project.

This month Louis Stagnetto from Nautilus came into the bank and gave an informative presentation on Oceanic Climate Change. The presentation focused on the effects of climate change and scientific statistics on the evolving atmosphere surrounding us and its negative impact, particularly on our shores. In supporting Nautilus, the bank can develop their knowledge in such areas so to aid us in creating an impactful ESG strategy.

Alongside our support for The Nautilus Project, the bank has also been attending different conferences to help us further understand the climate challenge. One event included Aspire where we learnt about the importance of the construction sector in creating CO2 emissions and the work being done to reduce this.

Behind the scenes the bank has also been busy introducing ESG themes including calculating our carbon footprint, rolling out training on vulnerability, and implementing our annual customer satisfactory survey to understand our clients’ views.  This is just the start of aligning our current efforts within the bank and matching them up within the ESG categories.

With Climate Change at the global forefront, and in a bid to create a greener Gibraltar, we at TNB aim to advance staff unity in all matters surrounding ESG by team building, training, and sharing information especially when connecting to the wider community! We can’t wait to share forthcoming exciting news, events, and ideas, so watch this space!